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How to Decorate Butterfly Cookie Sticks

Cookie sticks are a fun and easy shape that can be great for any occasion or season.  Here at The Cookie Countess, we feel the same way about butterflies, so let's make some pretty butterfly cookie sticks that use several different techniques for max impact and wow factor!

butterfly cookie sticks and products

Step 1: Airbrush


“I was looking to get a professional airbrush system & this fits the bill. I love my Royal but the Royal Max is at a pro level but without the high price tag. Love that it has holders for 2 guns. Would highly recommend it.”


First, airbrush the bottom of your flooded, dried cookie sticks with our Tall Grass stencil and some Gourmet Green airbrush color. Allow that to dry completely. 

To give the illusion of more grass that is going in different directions, situate a different part of the stencil over your cookie--flipping the stencil over completely (so that it is "backwards") can be a great way to achieve this effect! Airbrush another layer of grass. This will give depth of color to some parts of the design where your layers overlapped, and it will give more dimension and fullness.

Finally, airbrush a layer of Beachy Blue over the rest of the cookie to fill in the sky and allow to fully dry. It's ok if the blue sprays over the green grass a bit.  The colors will blend and give even more dimension. Now to add our butterflies!

Step 2: Stencil with Royal Icing

Use stiff white icing and our Butterfly Trail stencil to scrape the design at an angle across the “sky” of your cookie. Use magnets to hold your stencil in place if your stencil holder frame can’t accommodate how you want to angle the butterfly stencil (our table is metal, so the magnets stick to it with no problem; place your cookie on a baking sheet if you are going to use magnets). There's no right or wrong angle here--the goal is to just have your butterflies flying across the cookie in a way that is pleasing to you! Allow your royal icing to dry completely.

Step 3: Add the Butterfly Details

SweetSticks Water Activated paints are an easy and fun way to decorate our butterflies. Simply add a drop of water to each swatch of paint in the palette, wait one minute, then swirl your brush in the color—a little goes a long way, and you can even blend the colors for a custom butterfly look. 

Wait until your paint has fully dried, and add details to your butterfly bodies and wings with an edible marker. Spritz with edible glitter for an even more glam look.  Every butterfly is unique, so yours can be as similar or different as you like!

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Nancy Moore - January 2, 2024

I love this! I am new to this site and going through everything, I came across this one, obviously. This must be one of my favorites so far. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to reading, watching, and learning. Oh, by the way, I just turned 71 yesterday and I am excited to be stepping into this new hobby!
The Cookie Countess replied:
Hi Nancy! Welcome to the cookie-verse! 😝 So glad you loved this tutorial as much as we do. Feel free to reach out to us at<> if there are other topics you might need help with as a newbie. If we don’t already have a video/blog about it, it might be something we could make a new one for. Have fun!

Debbie - December 26, 2023

Looking to do these butterflies cookie stick You start airbrushing the grass on first Do I first flood the cookie with white then airbrush Or do I air brush grass without a base Thank you
The Cookie Countess replied:
Hi Debbie. These cookies were first flooded white and then airbrushed. Have fun!

Rosemary Buchanan - August 15, 2023

I purchased the small spray bottles but have a question. Should the luster dust be dry when in the bottle to spray or should I mix it with alcohol before adding it to the bottle?
I tried spraying it dry and nothing comes out.HELP!
The Cookie Countess replied:
Hi Rosemary! All dusts should be dry in the pumps. If the bottle won’t spritz the dust out, it could be overfull. Tap the bottom of the bottle on the counter to loosen the contents, or simply remove some of the dust and try again. I hope this helps!

Rita Preston - August 1, 2023

Loved this!!! Keep ‘em coming 😊

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