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Decorating a Vintage Heart Cake Cookie - The Cookie Countess

Decorating a Vintage Heart Cake Cookie

You've probably noticed that vintage heart cakes are having a MOMENT. It seems like everywhere you look, you'll see adorable heart cakes with fluffy borders, ruffles and swooshes and bows and cherries. The more ornate, the better. What's old is new, amiright? So it makes perfect sense that vintage heart cake cookies would follow right behind. But how do you take something so completely extra (as the youths say) and reduce it down to a 4"x4" canvas? Well, it's easier than you may think!

"Frost" Your Cake

This is the simplest step. Use flood icing to create the base color of your "cake." You do not have to flood all the way to the top and bottom edges of the cookie, since you will be adding a thick border there anyways.

💡 Did you know

This cookie is great for someone who might struggle with getting a perfect flood--you're going to be adding so much embellishment on top anyways, you can hide any number of imperfections!

Adding Borders: Star Tips for the Win!

Unlike on a real cake, we won't be able to use an unlimited amount of different tips (did I mention this cookie is less than 4" tall? I did? Just checking), so pick two star tips in very different sizes. This will help us create that small shell/large shell border that these vintage cakes are known for. 

I like to start with the larger border so that I know exactly what space I have to work within and place all of my other decorations within those constraints. Using a PME 6 star tip and a stiff royal icing, use a push-pull motion to create continuous shells. Start squeezing your piping bag and push the shell forward a bit, making the higher part of the shell, and then pull backwards to make the tail. Do the exact same thing for the next shell, pushing into the previous one before pulling backwards. Do this over and over until you have made your heart outline for the top of the cake.

💡 Pro Tip

The most important thing to remember here is that this cake is at an angle, so the heart shape will be more angular than a normal heart. If it doesn't look quite right at first, go ahead and carefully scrape it off and start again. You're going to pipe right over it anyways, and getting that first outline is key to making your cookie truly look like a cake, so it's worth getting it right!

Once you have added the large shell boarder, use an Ateco 13 star tip to add a matching smaller boarder inside the outline of the larger one. Try to get it as close to the larger border as you can without messing up any of the shells.

Add the Final Touches to Your Cake

Once you have your borders done, cut a small hole in a tipless bag (or use a PME 1.5 tip) to make several swags and dots across the side of the cookie in a couple of different colors--and don't forget to add a (short) saying on your cake! Use your larger PME 6 star tip to add some ruffled dots along your borders for a final fancy touch.

And that's it! These cookies are so fun, and pretty easy to boot! Add sprinkles, royal icing transfers, edible glitter, whatever you like--there's no such thing as "too much" on one of these vintage cakes!

Check out the video! ▶️

Next article How To Make Cookie Moss!

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