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Cream Cheese Royal Icing Recipe

Cream Cheese Royal Icing Recipe

How to make cream cheese flavored royal icing that dries firm to the touch. Cream cheese royal icing is a great addition to Red Velvet Sugar Cookies (recipe) or Pumpkin Spice Sugar Cookies. Remember - if you're incorporating extra fat, such as real cream cheese, into a recipe, it will affect the hardness. This icing will dry firm to the touch but will not be as hard as a traditional royal icing.

Tips for cream cheese royal icing:

The technique and order in which you add the ingredients matters. Read through the recipe first and follow step-by-step.

It's not as firm as classic royal icing, but will work great for flooding, lines, and decoration. It will be hard to get a star tip to keep its shape with this icing, but with the right approach you can decorate a full cookie.

To soften your cream cheese. Use a brick of full-fat cream cheese, not whipped cream cheese. To soften, unwrap the cheese and place on a microwave safe plate. Microwave on medium for 10 seconds. The cheese should be soft but not melted. Repeat once more if necessary. Do not cook the cheese!

Previous article Mint Chocolate Chip Sugar Cookies


Melissa - November 28, 2022

How well does this store? Does this sit well at room temperature? How long?
The Cookie Countess replied:
Hi Melissa! We have a blog post that goes into detail about how and where to store royal icing, I can’t link it in this response but if you search “Royal Icing Storage Tips and Timeframes” on our site, it should pop up! It will answer all of those questions for you 😊

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